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How To Cook French Fries In An Air Fryer

All you need to know about: How To Cook French Fries In An Air Fryer.

Step 1: Prepping the Fries

Begin by prepping the fries. If you’re starting with frozen fries, simply remove them from the bag. If you’re starting with fresh potatoes, cut them into thin strips and soak them in cold water for about 30 minutes. This will remove some of the starch and help the fries crisp up in the air fryer.

Step 2: Spritzing and Seasoning

Once you’ve prepped your potatoes, spread them out on a paper towel and pat them dry. Then transfer them to a bowl and spritz them with a bit of oil. You can also add your favorite seasonings at this point, such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, or Italian herbs.

Step 3: Air Frying

Transfer the fries to the air fryer and spread them out in a single layer. Air fry the fries at 400°F for 10-15 minutes, stirring them halfway through. The cooking time will depend on the size of your fries and the type of air fryer you’re using.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

Once the fries have finished cooking, remove them from the air fryer and transfer them to a plate. For extra crispiness, you can sprinkle a bit of extra salt or Parmesan cheese over the fries. Enjoy!

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